søndag den 21. november 2010

My addiction; Sex and the City! ♥

Carrie: I'm looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't-live-without-each-other love

Carrie: It's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes -- that's why you sometimes need really special shoes!

Samantha: From my experience, honey, if he seems too good to be true—he probably is.

Carrie: I like my money right where I can see it; hanging in my closet!

Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place because I never see it again.
Charlotte: What happens to it?
Samantha: Nothing; I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie every time you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.

Stanford: We all judge. That’s our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts; we judge.

Carrie: After all, seasons change, so do cities; people come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.

Carrie: I don't believe in e-mail. I'm an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up.

Charlotte: He should've mentioned her earlier.
Samantha: But not too early. I hate it when men do that. "I have a girlfriend." Calm down, I just asked if that seat was taken!

Samantha: "Honey, you know me, I don't really believe in marriage; now Botox on the other hand, that works every time."

Samantha: I've never been able to be friends with any man. Why would I? Women are for friendships, men are for fucking.

Charlotte: I don't think she's a lesbian. I think she just ran out of men.

Miranda: I'm fine... but Charlotte, maybe your "hmmm hmmm" would like an order of fries?

Samantha : I will not be judged by you or society. I will wear whatever - and blow whomever I want, as long as I can breathe and kneel!

Carrie: Let's be honest. Sometimes there is nothing harder in life than being happy for somebody else. Like lottery winners. Or extremely successful people who are 27. And then there's that hell on earth that only your closest friends can inflict on you -- the baby shower.

Carrie: It’s hard to find people who will love you no matter what. I found three of them.

Charlotte : My marriage is a fake Fendi!

Charlotte: Miranda has a son!
Samantha: Just what the world needs:
another man!!

Samantha: Okay, you want details? Okay. He's got the most perfect dick I've ever seen. Long, pink, amazing. It's dickalicious!

Miranda: Maybe it's time that I stop being so angry.
Carrie: Yeah, but what would you do with all your free time?

Samantha: I'm so sick of these people with their children. I'm telling you, they're everywhere! Sitting next to me in first class, eating at the next table at John Schu - Look at that; This place is for double cappuccinos, NOT double strollers. I'm sorry.
Miranda: Hey, no need to apologize. I wouldn't bring Brady here. Mommy needs
two hands to eat her eight-dollar cake!
Charlotte: You're not going to defend children?
Miranda: No, I don't like any children but my  own.

Big: You three know her better than anyone. You're the loves of her life... and a guy is just lucky to come in fourth.

Charlotte: Imagine, being blind and not being able to see a beautiful day like today. Can you think of anything worse?
Anthony: Stonewashed jeans and a matching jacket.

Carrie: The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't. But, in the end, they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself.

Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.

The truht is in the eyes

For første gang i mange år, er jeg SINGLE til jul...og heldigvis ikke en af dem der sidder og tuder over det - tværtimod, så er det jo med at se det positive i tingene ikk?
Det betyder jo feks. at jeg kan tillade mig at bruge en sjat penge på en herlig gave til mig selv! Og jeg ved allerede hvad det skal være....Har set den øjencreme fra Ole Henriksen, som skulle være (dokumenteret) virkelig effektiv, når man som jeg har fået lidt ekstra fuger omkring øjnene.

Den lille gule tube indeholder en såkaldt øjenpeeling, som ifølge hjemmesiden http://www.olehenriksen.com/ vil reducere mørke rande,
poser og rynker! Synes det lyder lovende og som noget jeg har
lyst til at teste på mig selv. Jeg elsker Ole H. så jeg er ret sikker
på at jeg også vil elske denne gule sag fra hans nyeste serie.

søndag den 7. november 2010

Facecrap vol. II

Andre der har problemer med deres telefon idag? Kan ikke sende sms'er ej heller ringe ud :-( Pisse træls... Så hvis i har sendt en sms til mig og jeg ikke svare, er det måske derfor eller at jeg ikke har fået den! Det er ihvertfald ikke fordi jeg er sur eller noget. :-(
- VIP wannabe....Slaaaap af!

Sidder og ser Fangerne på fortet som for 20 år siden....
- Jamen var det så ikke på tide at lette røven?

Lavede lige en 3 punkts vending i vores indkørsel. Hvorfor? ? - Jo bare fordi jeg kan Hehe.
- Øhh nå!??

Sidste nat........
- Er du døende??

Hvad er skønhed og kan den komme indefra?
- Hehe det må vi da håbe, hva?

Vil bruge søndagen på at skrive mere til batchlorren.....
- Når nu du studerer noget så fint, kunne du så ikke gøre dig umagen at lære at stave til "bachelor"?

Hmmm har vist været lidt for hård ved mig selv idag, er begyndt og bløde fra min navle:-( Ikke godt...
- Hvorfoooor??? Hvorfor skal vi andre vide det!!! Ja du har fået fjernet dinglende overskudshud fra maven, we know, men så behøver vi faktisk heller ikke flere detaljer!!!

Er i pengenød...
- Hvem er ikke det???

Puha er måske en anelse mat. Hjemme inat kl 02.30 efter 2x30 års fødselsdag, Louise vågen hele vejen hjem, falder først i søvn kl 04.00-Øv. Og så synes Lærke vi skulle vækkes kl 07.15, men hun faldt så i søvn igen. Så her sidder vi -øv øv..
- Man kunne jo lade være med, at slæbe børn på 3 og -1 med til nattesjove fester??? Hvem får lige noget ud af det, om jeg må spørge??? Men så har mor da noget til fb-statusen, det er jo herligt! NOT!